
Language for Life promotes language-focused teaching and learning, access to a full curriculum for learners from all language backgrounds and social mobility through education.
Phonics for Life is a phonics programme that uses EAL pedagogy at its roots, and includes the use of oral work, questioning, collaboration and kinaesthetic learning all based within recognisable, meaningful contexts.
Reading for Life consists of three professional learning programmes for
Early Years/Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 and Key stages 3 & 4:
Success in Early Reading
Creating Confident Readers
Creating Readers for Life
Writing for Life focuses on developing understanding of different forms
of writing and using grammar and vocabulary effectively within the form
of writing.
Resources for this include key information sheets for different text types
and resource packs for curriculum topics (coming soon!).
We believe in language-focused teaching and learning, access to a full curriculum for learners from all language backgrounds and social mobility through education.
Our Mission
Language for Life promotes language-focused teaching and learning, access to a full curriculum for learners from all language backgrounds and social mobility through education.

Our Vision
Language for Life creates professional learning programmes, teaching and learning resources, information and guidance to promote educational success for EAL learners and disadvantaged pupils.