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Phonics for Life

Phonics should be...

securely embedded within a broad and language-rich curriculum. (Rose Review p. 16)

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Phonics for life is

A phonics programme that uses EAL pedagogy at its roots, and includes the use of oral work, questioning, collaboration and kinaesthetic learning all based within recognisable, meaningful contexts.   

Phonics for Life is evidence based, with research at its roots.


The programme uses: 

A clear recognisable context
Speaking and listening opportunities
The chance to ask questions
Collaborative working
Activation of prior knowledge
Opportunities to use new words in speech and writing
Creating clear, grammatically correct sentences with the chance to amend mistakes.
The opportunity to improve learners’ oral and written language
Enjoyment in investigating language


What Phonics for Life users say: 
                     'Fantastic visuals.  Well thought out.'  
                                                    'Interactive, collaborative, speaking
                                                             and listening opportunities.'
'Lots of opportunity for spontaneous
Speaking and Listening.' 
               'Good for all.  My Traveller pupils will love this.'
                                             'They love coming to (PFL) sessions. It's 
                                             given them so much more confidence.'
             'They're learning so much more than phonics.                 
           It's things they're really going to need in real life.'
'I love it. It is fun.'
'Phonics is much easier now. I understand everything it is talking about.' [...] 'It's things from real life. I understand them'.
'I love talking with my friends. It's easier when they can explain to me in Czech too.' 
'Before it (phonics) was hard. Now I like it.'
'I love our classes'
School leaders
'It must be doing something. It's amazing they've nearly all passed!'
Haslam Park tweet b.PNG
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PfL Wingrove Jan 20.PNG
PfL new app.PNG

The Phonics for Life Handbook explains the rationale for Phonics for Life, the purpose of the different activities and the school-based trials to assess its effectiveness. It takes users through the steps of using each activity and what is involved in teaching and learning for each phase.

Phonics for Life resources and CPD

Bring it to life in your classroom

PfL March 20 snip LfL spring sale.PNG

Phonics for Life resources

The Phonics for Life resource pack contains word, picture and punctuation cards creating activities for each phoneme and alternative phoneme for phases 2 - 5. The activities are for teachers to introduce and practise phonics in context, through a range of activities promoting identification, matching letters to sounds, developing understanding of vocabulary, familiarisation with a range of grammatical structures and features, reading phonemes within words and sentences and devising and answering questions. 

The Phonics for Life resources use clear images which support learning and are suitable for all age groups.

The Phonics for Life app brings the full range of activities from the resource pack to your interactive whiteboard, PC or tablet. Moveable words and pictures show when pupils have made a correct or incorrect  choice and allow them to create their own questions and sentences. Use the activities with the whole class or a smaller group. Usable by adults or children.

The Phonics for Life Handbook puts forward the rationale behind the programme. It gives an overview of the resources and the contents of each phase, as well as advice on teaching and practising learning using each activity type.


Conference workshops


Buy now from the online shop

Be a Phonics for Life trial school

Buy one of our packages and join the research trial to assess the effectiveness of Phonics for Life


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